Wednesday 23 March 2016

Day 4 pool day

Today we felt in need of a rest day enjoying the villa and pool. We had a lazy morning sunbathing, and i drove to Walmart with the roof down for a bit of shopping. I bought some scrapbooking bits and Matt bought a captain america tshirt and beach towel.
There is a McDonald's inside Walmart so we stopped for a milkshake, just because it had to be done. More relaxing by the pool now, then maybe out for dinner later.

We ended up in a restaurant called Smokey Bones. I had a huge turkey and avocado burger. Matt had ribs and chicken wings. Delicious. We went to a Publix for a bottle of apple flavour Jim Bean whisky and played pool and air hockey back at the villa.

1 comment:

  1. Shopping and sitting round the pool......perfect!
