Sunday 13 March 2016

Sunset Over Duisburg

It's been a rather busy week at work, what with being the penultimate week before the Easter holidays.  I can't believe we only have 4 and a half more work days until Matt and I spend three wonderful weeks in Florida.  I'm so excited!

On Friday night, some girls from work all went to Bochum, a nearby town to our friends 'Moving House Party'.  We went straight to the pub round the corner from school at 4.15 for a few birthday drinks for another friend, and then got straight on the alcohol when we reached Bochum.  As you can see from the photo above,  I was very sensible and had a McDonald's on the train.  No one else did, and so it was a rather messy night, especially for the host, who fell down the stairs, had to be dragged to bed at 5.30am and spent Saturday feeling rather sorry for herself.  I left at 10.30 after an unfortunate bottle-to-the-face incident!  The host accidentally hit me in the face with a bottle of vodka.  TWICE!  I'm not kidding, you really couldn't make this up.  The awful thing was that she chipped my tooth.  I'm the only one who can see it, so it can't be that bad, but it feels like a crater.  So, not a particularly good end to the night.  Up until then, the party was great!

On Saturday, I went to the shops with two friends to get some last minute bits for the holiday, and of course we had lunch - fajitas at the harbour.  The weather has been cold but beautifully sunny, so it's been nice to get outside in it.

Here are a few photos that I have taken over the last couple of weeks from our flat's window.  This is with the 'sunset' setting on my camera, which enhances all of the colours to make them really dazzle.

This is what I have spent the day doing... (After a trip to the gym)

... this is what Matt has spent the day doing.  Though he did make it to the gym too...