Saturday 28 November 2015

Christmas Party and Christmas Markets

This week has been very cold in Germany.  It is officially winter!  A pretty standard week for me really, with the fun addition of being in charge of 10 very excited year 6's as we decorated Lower School with Christmas trees.  Matt had a more difficult week, with one of his diabetic kids getting taken to hospital in an ambulance.  She is OK, but it was rather stressful for everyone.

Friday night was the work Christmas party, at Bolero's, the Spanish restaurant in the Inner Harbour.  I got ready at Al's house, and her Mum, who is visiting, made us snowballs to get us in the mood for partying.  It was a really good night, and I managed to control myself around the open bar.  I think Matt was a bit worse for wear this morning, and some friends are still in bed now (it's 7pm on Saturday!!!).

This week a poster went up on the Lower School staffroom notice board of Matt in a suit and Pete (below) photoshopped into a wedding dress.  The caption read 'Congratulations on your virtual wedding' with two playstation controllers joined with a heart.  It was really funny, and very much true.  They do spent an awful amount of time talking to each other and playing online games via the playstation.  It wasn't until later on in the week that we realised that Pete looked exactly like Laura (below) in the photo of him in a wedding dress.  Hence this photograph...

The Christmas markets are in full swing now, and we visited them a couple of times after work this week.  Here are a few (wet) photos of Duisburg market, which is lovely.

This is flame cooked salmon, which you eat in a bun.  delicious!!!

... and the lads enjoying bratwurst.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photo of you both at the beginning! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
