Monday 23 November 2015

Cats, Indian Festival and Duisburg

It was a busy week last week, as per usual, with lots of people off sick in Primary, which meant lots of cover for me, and missing my favourite lessons of the week; year 8.  Things improved a huge amount on Thursday with the opening of the Christmas markets.  Everyone's mood seems to have improved, and now that there are only 3 more weeks left of school before we break up for Christmas, everyone is feeling the Christmas spirit.

We had a furry visitor at the start of the week, which was lovely.  She's like a hot water bottle; perfect for cold winter nights!

On Friday night I went to a friends birthday house party, which was lovely and chilled out.  I was taught a game called Linkee, which you HAVE to play.  It's awesome.

Saturday night was the Indian Festival at school, organised by one of the Mums at school.  She had payed for the whole thing from her own pocket, and it was a spectacular evening of traditional and bollywood dance, traditional music played live, and a play all put on by the Indian children at school.  I know a few of the kids and they were just brilliant.  Three girls in upper school who performed a dance, with bells all over their outfits, said that they had been rehearsing for 6 months!  It certainly showed during their performance.
There was an Indian vegetarian buffet, which was AMAZING, and the reason that most teachers had bought tickets.  While the food really was superb, I had a great time at the party, and especially enjoyed a year 2 teacher who did a magic show on the stage and at the tables.  He was incredible, and i'm trying to think of an excuse to hire him!
Afterwards we went to our local pub, Shanke for 'a few beers'.  We ended up getting home at 2 am, after several shots of rubarbershnapps, and after playing Linkee, girls vs boys.  See if you can guess from the photos below who won!!!

On Sunday, we just realxed and watched TV, which was what we needed after out night out!

Annmarie sent me some photos that she took on her (much better than mine) camera, of the Landschaftpark Nord, which we visited at night when she was here a few weeks ago.  The photos are brilliant, but you just can't get a sense of how great this place is.  They have a Christmas market there in a few weeks, which I would love to go to.


At the top of the 70m high tower.