Sunday 15 November 2015

A Week Without Matt

It's been a bit of a strange week really without Matt.  He flew to England for his first Masters Degree seminar on Wednesday and is due back tonight. So I have had 4 nights in the flat on my own, which has been nice in some ways, but very strange too.  I've mostly been binge watching The Vampire Diaries, making some Christmas presents and not doing a whole lot else.  I went shopping in Dusseldorf with Al on Saturday. We had lunch at the pork place, which we both love, and then got into the Christmas spirit by buying Christmas jumpers, and leggings.  Then we met a few friends for drinks, and headed back to her flat for a girly sleepover.  It was nice to get out of the house.
The landlord has been doing work on the side of the house this week, so for three days in a row he has been hanging out of the window, and there is now a huge silver tube attached to the side of the house.  It absolutely poured with rain on Friday, so the landlord, and the flat got soaked where he was working. Not best pleased with that, since he didnt even tidy it up!
Everyone at work is getting a bit fed up because the weather has now changed, and its pretty cold.  It had been really mild for a couple of weeks, which was actually really horrible because it was so muggy.  Lots of people have been off sick, so i've been kept busy, and I think I turned a corner with the year 8 boy that I have been working with.  He has ADHD and I have finally worked out how to deal with him.  The lessons have become much more productive, which is great.
The photo above is from the kitchen window. It is a st Martin's Day parade that was happening around our block. There was a band (which you can just about see in the photo) and everyone had lanterns. It was nice to watch all the kids enjoying themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have been very productive and also had fun!
