Saturday 22 August 2015

Summer School and Housewarming

Last night we warmed the heck out of our lovely new flat.  We had 18 people in the flat (and it wasn't even that crowded), and the bath filled up with booze.  It was a great night full of catching up and silly games.  I feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends here in Germany.

I got some lovely housewarming gifts (mostly bottles of wine), and a new Orchid, and a little plant with rubbery leaves.  I have no idea what sort of plant it is, but it's very cute.

The new addition to the Orchid family is quite similar to my giant Orchid, but the centre of the flowers are slightly different colours.  It's beautiful and so my Orchid obsession continues.

This week I was back at work for the last Summer School of the year.  I was running it with another teacher who is a good friend, so it was quite fun... well, Thursday and Friday were fun.  We had a water fight on Thursday, and I definitely lost.  I could not have been more wet.  The kids loved it!  We even had the hose out, and the teachers still lost, to kids with water guns!  Best quote of the week was when one of the boys wouldn't stop playing with his huge water gun at during the entire morning session, and me shouting 'Cheif, put that gun down!' just as the director of the school was walking past the door!  Whoops!  I also managed to make an idiot of myself in front of the owner of the school, without even realizing who it was.  I was very wet, and had wandered to the office to see if I could get the hose.  The owner of the school walked past and said that it seemed a bit dangerous for me to be wandering around with no shoes on, and I said that I was in the middle of a water fight and was trying to get the hose in order to gain a tactical advantage!  Apparently he thought it was hilarious, thank goodness!
On Friday, we went bowling down the road from school, so that was fun.  The kids bowled and the teachers had a free lunch, and ignored the children.  Perfect!

Monday, Tuesday and especially Wednesday were not so much fun.  The mix of children we had wasn't brilliant.  They didn't get on particularly well, and they had just had the entire summer to forget how to behave properly, so they were rude, answering back, rolling eyes, and generally quite horrible, which was a shame.  Still, that's 500 Euro in the bank, and now i'm back in the swing of getting up early and going to work (on the bike now.  It takes 15 minutes).  It will be a lot easier for me next week when school actually starts, than it will for everyone else who has had this week off.  Matt was in school too for Thursday and Friday, starting his new job, by doing the inductions for the new staff.  He was quite nervous on Thursday, but has been so busy that he hasn't had time to be nervous since!  His new office is lovely.  I'll post a picture of it as soon as I can.

To see what creative things we made during summer school, have a look at my crafty blog

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of booze! As long as you still have a job after bumping into the boss (with no shoes on)!
