Sunday 30 August 2015

First Week of School

This week has been exhausting!  Simply exhausting!  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, there were no children in school, and it was a chance for all the teachers to get their classrooms, lesson plans and resources ready.  For Matt it was a chance to settle into his new job as a manager, and for me it was a chance to run around like a mad person.  The first week of term is the busiest of all for TAs.  There is only me at the moment, as the other TA from last year is now a year 3 teacher.  The school did interview someone for a TAs job across the whole of primary (not just Lower School), so that will make things much easier.  She starts on Monday, and seems very nice.  So my first week was full of helping the teachers put up display's, laminating new resources, sorting out the resource cupboards (I tidied them at the end of the summer term, and no one has been in the school since, but they always look like a bomb site when I get back from the break! The cupboard fairies at work, I think!), giving out new books, textbooks, stationary orders, using up my entire year's worth of printer credit in one day printing housepoint diaries, the list goes on.  One of the teachers said to me 'I've been here for years longer than you, but your the one everyone comes to with questions, and you know the answers to EVERYTHING!'  I was secretly thrilled by this comment.  I felt the same way about the TA from last year, and now I am that person.  I'm even being given my own set of keys to the store cupboard, since I am 'The stationary queen' according to my boss.

The children were back in on Thursday and Friday, and it was nice to see old faces, and get to know the new ones.  I won't be the TA for year 3 this year, so it was odd to think that there will be a whole year group that I don't know, but at least I can work more with years 4, 5 and 6.  I even have PE lessons on my timetable this year!

We haven't really done much this week, other than managing to get to the gym a few times, because we've been so exhausted.  We did go for a few drinks on Friday night at the pub near our flat, and we went to the lake yesterday with the same group, which was lovely and relaxing.  Matt made an amazing curry for dinner!  Today we are just relaxing and preparing ourselves for another busy week!

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