Monday 10 August 2015

Birthday Boy and The New Flat

A very busy week last week, hence why I have only just had time to post something.  The week started off with Matt's birthday, which we spent back in Hampshire with Mum and Dad.  We all went for a breakfast at the beach cafe to start the day, followed by a walk with the dog across the meadow.  Then Matt and I went into Christchurch for some mini-golf (which he won, only just!), an ice cream, and a wander around the shops, and beautiful church.  We finished the day with an Indian meal at the local restaurant.  Indian food is something that Germany doesn't really do, so it was a real treat!

On Wednesday we flew back home to Germany.  German Wings changed our flight from Dusseldorf to Cologne, which adds an hour onto the journey home, so we didn't get back until 1am!  Of course we were going straight to the new flat, which is lovely.  On Thursday we had the mammoth task of unpacking, and now it is pretty much done, so here are a few photos of the new place.

The low ceilings are only a problem in the bedroom, where I have to bend double just to get into bed, and in the bathroom - we still haven't worked out how to have a shower without bashing various body parts on the ceiling and taps, and without getting the floor drenched.  Definitely a skill to be learned!

We haven't done much else this week, other than unpack.  We're going to the gym every day (now only a 10 minute walk from our flat) and being really healthy to get back into shape before school starts.  Only 1 more week of holidays to go!


  1. The flat looks fantastic, I'm really looking forward to visiting!

  2. Really lovely flat, enjoy living there xx
