Sunday 16 August 2015

Birthday Girl and Catching Up

This week, Matt and I have been on a huge detox trying to loose some of the weight we put on over the holidays.  It's been going really well!  We had the day off on Tuesday to celebrate my birthday.  We went to the lake which is just a 15 minute cycle from our flat.  It was roasting hot, and there were only about 10 other people here because the German schools have already gone back.  Bliss!

In the evening we went to the Harbour for huge pizzas and some cocktails.  It was lovely.

I got lots of wonderful gifts from everyone who clearly knows me too well.., lots of wool and crafty-related things.  Looking forward to getting stuck in.

Last night I went out with my friends who are finally all back in Germany.  It was great to have a good catch up over dinner and cocktails.  It's like we've never been away!
Back to work tomorrow for the summer school, and i'm quite looking forward to it.  We've just found out that we can do a day trip on Friday, so we're trying to go to the Sea life centre - perfect for our 'Under the sea' themed week!