Sunday 7 September 2014

Our flat

We finally have internet!!!  We have really missed being able to check emails, contact friends on facebook and even look up on google maps where we need to go for various things!  Now that we officially have internet, I can share a few pictures of our flat.  The flat definitely has a 70s vibe about it, but now that we have our own photos up and our own mess everywhere, it's feeling much more like home.  The flat has a lot of character, including very high ceilings and curved arches over each door, as well as the bathroom with the see-through door, and the shower in the middle of the room!  Still, we're getting used to it and settling in very nicely now.


  1. Thanks for sharing the photos. It's great to see where you are living! It is very 70s but that is really trendy now! Looking forward to coming to stay and exploring the area. Xxx

  2. Hi Faye & Matt, it was great talking to you both this morning and can't wait to see your flat with your pictures on the wall love Aunty Ann. & Uncle Trevor xx
    ( mum has taught me about Blogging ) (this has been the fifth attemp to put this through ) xx
