Saturday 30 August 2014

first day of School

It's been an exhausting week! At the beginning of the week we had first aid courses, then an open day for new parents and kids to look around the School. The kids started back on Thursday, and are very well behaved. The New teachers are finding their feet and are starting to learn names. I spent my days in the store cuaboard and unpacking books in the new library. I'll het my timetable On Monday and do half a day in every class from year one to six, to get to know the kids, before I get my proper timetable which will be in with the classes that need help. This will be low maths and English sets. I'm looking forward to getting stuck in!

We have now signed up for German lessons, which are on Monday and wednesday, two and a half hours each night. It was 100 euros for 78 hours whrich is amazing value! I can't wait to get learning, bit were going to be tired to start Off with.

We went outlast night with some new friends, and are at a house patry tonight to meet some of the other teachers. We're busy busy busy, and oonly home sick when west ham are playing. Im fine so far and only miss British cheese!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you're not home sick for west ham......but cheese I fully understand!
