Sunday 24 August 2014

our first week

My new hubby and I have just moved to Duisburg in Germany to work in an international school. I am goimy to be a primary school teaching assistant for the first time, and my hubby is a maths teacher. This blog is for friends and family In the UK to see what we get up to.

At the end of our first week in germany we are happy and settled in nicEly. We are currently in starbucks in duisburg, as its the only place we can get WiFi! I can't upload any photos yet, but we are due to get our German phones in a couple of days, so we will be happier then!  I can't believe we have been here for nearly a week. It has gone so quickly. We've made some good friends already And have been out 3 Times this week including a 4am return home after a night in a karaoke bar. Someone commented that we seem like we've been friends for longer than sionce Tuesday which is nice. It's like being back at uni where you just have to make quick decisions abourt people!

Our flat is shaping up nicely, after the initial shock of arriving and finding the flat full of dirty laundry, toothbrushes, food and generally dirty. We're sorting it out slowly and it us feeling a bit more like our flat now. We will do a trip to Ikea this week to get some bits to make it even more like our home. Small things like a bath Matt and maybe a few photo frames for the walls. The ceilings in the flat are very high so the pictures we brought with us are a bit swamped.

Our first 2 days in school were really good. I'm starting to find my way around and am already being useful to the teachers by organising stationary and helping clear their rooms. I spent most of my time in the store cupboard organising things, which was quite satisfying. Tomorrow I will meet the other teaching assistants and get my timetable. I'm looking forward to it and to just throwing myself in. I'm also doing a crafting night on Wednesday with a friends. One even has a a sewing machine! I'm going to teach her sewing and she is going to teach me crochet! I'll post some photos once we have internet at home.


  1. Sounds like a good start. And even better if you have access to a sewing machine. I've tried crochet before with little success so when you come home at Christmas you can teach me?

  2. Of course. I think I've got the hang of straight lines!
