Sunday 7 September 2014

We've survived a whole week of school

Our first week at school was exhausting (especially after two very late nights last weekend), but good.  I finally got into the classrooms with the year 3-6 kids, and I had such a good time with them.  The classes are tiny, with only about 15 kids in each.  I was mostly in the bottom sets for maths and English, but that suited me very well.  The kids are getting to know my face and some of the year 3s even remembered my name, even though I had been introduced to them more than 4 days before!  One of the year 6 classes gave me a round of applause when I was introduced, just because I was a visitor in their class.  I've been doing spelling tests, helping out in art classes, ICT classes, doing science experiments, and sewing cotton wool balls to an umbrella to look like snow for a year 5 weather class.  One of the year 3 classes was so funny.  When asked who I was they said 'Miss Harris'.  Their teacher said yes, but it's Mrs, and who knows what the difference between Miss and Mrs is.  One of the girls hands shot up, and she announced that Mrs meant that I 'have a man'.  It was so funny.  

We have started our language classes this week.  The class has about 20 students in it, and we go for 2 and a half hours on Mondays and Wednesdays.  The students are from all over the world, and there is no common language between us.  Not that it matters; the teacher speaks to us in German, and only German, and we pick up some of it as we go along... or not as the case was for me.  Matt picked it up seemingly easily, as he always does with new things.  I was exhausted afterwards, but I did enjoy myself, and I really think this is the best way to learn a new language.

On Friday night after work, I went into Dusseldorf for ;Girls night' with some of the Primary teachers, and Matt had 'chat and chess' evening with a few of the lads.  The above photo is the aftermath of this!

Yesterday we decided to explore a bit more of Duisburg.  The above photo is the largest in land harbour in the world.  It is in a very nice area of Duisburg, and we already want to live there!  Duisburg seems to have quite a lot to offer.  There are several museums and a zoo that has an aquatic center opening in the Spring.  I have also discovered that in the area there is a museum entirely dedicated to the Neanderthal skeletons that were discovered in the area.  I can't wait to see it!

An excellent week, and i'm looking forward to getting my proper timetable on Tuesday.

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