Sunday 3 January 2021

Happy New Year 2021!

Happy 2021!  And what a beautiful one it has been so far in the New Forest.  We've had a couple of walks in the forest that have been stunning.  We went for a walk on New Years Day with Mum and Dad.  It turned out to be rather further than we thought and I needed several hours of Snowball napping when we got home, but it was so icy and pretty, it was worth it!

We had a walk on Wilverley plain today with one of Matt's work colleagues, who has been isolating for quite some time and was in need of a bit of company.  I enjoyed chatting to someone new.  It feels strange not heading back to work tomorrow, but i'm also very glad i'm not, after everything that is happening with Covid and schools at the moment.  Matt has been cleared to not go into school until after the baby arrives, which is great, and a huge weight from our minds.

This is us welcoming in 2021 at about 8pm, right before I headed off to bed!  The fireworks woke me up at midnight, but I knew there was no way I was going to be able to stay awake that long!

We've got an exciting year ahead of us.  I just want the baby to hurry up now as I've been having false labour pains for over a week and I feel so uncomfortable all the time.  Still, making the most of things being quiet for the time being by doing some crafting.


1 comment:

  1. Those winter photos are stunning! Very glad Matt doesn't have to go into work until after baby!
