Wednesday 30 December 2020

Christmas 2020

Christmas week!

It wasn't the Christmas we had originally planned, with Matt's family, but our quiet Christmas ended up being lovely.  We had Christmas lunch with Mum and Dad, spent the morning with our lovely kitties for the first time (they LOVED the wrapping paper, and were so funny playing with it and batting it around and hiding in it), and going for lots of walks on the beach and in the forest.

I'm huge now and finding it uncomfortable to move around too much, so a quiet day was just what I needed.  We had a 4 and a half hour zoom with Matt's family on Christmas evening too, with some of the usual party games.

Best of all, we were in our new house.  Our house that we own, that is filled with our gorgeous cats and our lovely, enormous Christmas tree.  What more could a girl want?!


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