Sunday 7 June 2020

Back to Work

There really aren't many photos to show for this week.  I went back to work this week.  I'm now working from 12.30-3.30pm everyday and I have to admit that it really is very dull.  The teacher-student ratio is 1:3, which is absolutely unnecessary, since all the kids are doing in the afternoons is drawing or painting.  I'm doing quite a lot of trying-to-look-busy, but so is everyone else, so it's not really working.  The other teaching assistants are very nice and chatty, but overall I have to admit that this is the most unfriendly place I have ever worked in.  I walked into a staff room full of 8 people one day when I arrived at school and said hello.  It was a silent room, and not one person said anything to me.

Still, I am very glad to have a job at the moment as I know that lots of people don't.

We've now had our mortgage approved and are getting the survey done tomorrow, so house-things are progressing nicely.

It's been a miserable weather week, but at least today is looking more cheerful.  The sun is actually shining and it's quite pleasantly warm.  Maybe some sunshine will put me in a better mood!

Matt and I had a Chinese takeaway on Thursday.  It was so delicious and I didn't feel guilty about it at all.  English Chinese food tastes nothing at all like Chinese food in China, so we'd been craving it for a while.  Yum!

We've been for a few walks along the cliff top, and just this week I noticed that the houses on top of the cafe on the cliff top are colourful!  They are so lovely and cheerful.

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