Sunday 31 May 2020

Week 10 - Walks, BBQs and NASA

It's half term this week! Yay!  Except that doesn't actually mean anything because it's my turn not to be in work anyway, and Matt is still doing work for Shanghai, who aren't on half term!  Actually, on Friday, he only had one lesson and was finished by 7.30am, so he had more of a long weekend than a week off.  He managed to finish his big data project for his new school by Tuesday and everyone was apparently very impressed by it, which is great.  We did have a slight panic on Tuesday when he though he'd deleted the entire thing, but it all worked out in the end.  He's only got 3 more weeks working for China, and will be glad when it's over, since it's very hard work doing two full time jobs!

I am back at work every day from Monday.  Monday is a teacher training day to work out how we are going to manage with the year 6s coming back on Tuesday and to make sure that everyone is on the same page teaching-wise.  The after school club is stopping until September and i'll be in as a teaching assistant from 12.30-3.30 every day, working with the key worker kids.  I've been furloughed from my after school club job and will be in from Monday as a volunteer, which I have been assured by the Education Advisor for the government is perfectly OK to do, despite it sounding a bit dodgy.  I'm not used to working every day and i'm going to be exhausted by the end of next week I think!

The rest of this week has been nice.  We've been for a few nice long walks, and Matt and I went for a picnic on Wednesday to Yew Tree Bottom in the New Forest.  We pretty much had the place to ourselves.  It was lovely.

We all went for a nice walk to Hengistbury Head today.  It was fairly busy even at 9am, but it was so lovely to be somewhere different for a walk!

This week we have also spent quite a lot of time watching NASA live TV, watching the first ever commercial rocket launch.  It went from the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, the first time American's have taken off from American soil in 9 years.  The two astronauts were both experienced test pilots and have gone to space before.  We just now finished watching them enter the International Space Station and get interviewed.  The first thing one of them did was cut his head, live on TV in front of millions of people.  We could lip read his conversation with his fellow astronauts and it was quite funny!

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