Sunday 14 June 2020

Wild Orchids

It's been a good week - quite tiring at work, but at least we have been given jobs to do now, rather than just sitting there watching the kids draw pictures.  We have been getting the books ready for next year and re-backing the display boards for the teachers in their new classrooms.  All very useful jobs.

We've not had great weather this week, but did at least manage to squeeze in a couple of BBQs.  Matt picked me up from work one day and we drove to Wilverley Plain for a walk.  There happened to be an ice cream truck in the car park, so it would have been rude not to get one.  Supporting local businesses and all that.

On Saturday evening, we had the usual online video call with Matt's family.  His Dad had put together lots of old photos of everyone from various weddings, christenings, family holidays and birthdays, and it was fun to look through them all.  It was quite amusing that lots of people couldn't tell which was their baby and which was one of the other cousins!

We all went for a walk today to Wilverley and saw these tiny, wild orchids which are so beautiful.  Orchids are my favourite flower and i've never seen one in the wild before, so it was very special to see.  They were dotted around everywhere, and really are very very small and so cute!

It's been a bit of a wet and dreary week weather-wise, but things look set to clear up next week, which is great.  This was Wilverley Plain today, where the ponies look like they were all social distancing...

1 comment:

  1. There's definitely a theme emerging here and it involves food and ice cream!
