Sunday 10 May 2020

Week 7

An interesting week.  We've just finished listening to Boris give his speech on plans for how the UK is going to change how it's handling of the virus.  I thought it was a good speech and I agree with everything he said.  I must admit though that I thought we were already putting people flying into the UK into quarantine.  I'm surprised that we aren't doing that already.  Anyway, the plan sounded well thought out and i'm pleased that we can now drive to the forest to go for a walk!

So this week, we've had wonderful sunshine, especially on Saturday, when it was really really warm!  We had a lovely BBQ in the garden.  On Friday, I was called into work for 3 hours in the afternoon, just to help cover the VE day party that was planned.  It was really nice to see the kids that I knew and to get to know some others.  The teachers are clearly a bit starved of new company because some usually quiet teachers were very chatty!

I've managed to get a very stylish foot tan, from wearing leggings and flip flops in the garden all week.  My feet are really tanned, and my legs are so pale you can't look directly at them!

We had a rather stressful day on Thursday, when our next door neighbour shouted over the fence to call an ambulance as her husband had collapsed.  He was absolutely fine in the end and had fainted in the heat, but it was pretty stressful for everyone.  Matt is very calm on the phone to the emergency services - I guess he's had lots of practice with me having seizures.  I'm a mess in an emergency. I just stand there in a panic! I definitely need to work on my emergency skills! On Thursday night I was clapping extra loud for the NHS, for the very calm lady on the phone with Matt and the ambulance crew who arrived so quick, it was as if they were parked up the road when we called.  What an incredible job they are all doing.

We went to stand outside on Wednesday to see off our other neighbour's funeral car.  She passed away from covid19 a couple of weeks ago.  It was very sad seeing so few people getting in their cars to go to the service.  But it was wonderful to see so many neighbours out to pay their respects.

Matt and I have been on lots of walks along the cliff top and the beach.  Some days have been really rough, and some had been fabulous, with blue skies and calm seas.  We're so lucky to be living here.

Scroll down to see what else we've been up to this week...

We had a fry up last weekend...

Matt's jumper on our bed made me laugh this week as it really summed up how I was feeling at the time!!!

This is Matt, trying to do exercise in the garden, while Lola licks his face!

This was what someone had built on the beach this week.  It was fabulous...

Spring is still in full bloom down our street and it makes me smile every time I see a new bloom out to cheer everyone up!

1 comment:

  1. It is lovely seeing the beach photos and views over to the Isle of Wight!
