Sunday 24 May 2020

Fish 'n' Chips

Matt has had a very very busy week working his two jobs, but now at least it's the start of half term at his UK school.  He still has lots of data work to do for them, but at least he doesn't have lessons to teach.  We've been going on our evening walks, which has been lovely and we've been on a couple of walks in the forest now that Matt is on the car insurance.  One was to Brockenhurst, where we saw ponies frolicking, which was wonderful.  The second was today and was to Holmsley enclosure, where we pretty much had the place to ourselves.

I love how all the ponies walked over the bridge even though it was only a tiny ditch they had to step over!

Lola was upset that we didn't take her out with us into the forest and showed her displeasure from the stairs...

The pony we named mabel that is a new resident of Barton common was getting a bit cross with Matt and wouldn't let him walk past her on one of our walks.

Yesterday, we went for our usual walk around Barton on sea, but instead of visiting the coffee shop, we accidentally ended up with fish, chips and a battered sausage on a park bench.  It felt so naughty, but it was so delicious!  I regret nothing.

The sea was incredibly rough and we sat for a while watching the waves crash against the rocks at the beach.  I had to tie my hair up because it kept swiping me in the face, and Matt got a face full of spikey gorse bush - not much fun for him!

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