Sunday 19 April 2020

Sunshine and Rain

It's been an interesting week.  All these photos are of nice things that have happened; sunshine by the beach, cuddles with Lola, walks with Lola and next door's dog, Button, Dad making bread.  Then there's also been, Mum making lemon cake, Harris family quiz night via ZOOM (Matt and I came second), chatting to Charlee and Louise, working on Monday - which was really good fun in the lovely sunshine, and spending lots of time going on lovely walks with Matt.  I've also spent lots of time doing cross stitch in the garden, which has been very peaceful.

Then, I had two days of stress.  On Tuesday morning I had a big seizure.  Let's look at the positives - I got an aura, so I knew that I had to sit down.  This meant that I was able to get out of the shower and sit on the floor, rather than falling down and hurting myself.  This has never happened before, so I'm really quite pleased.  I spent most of the rest of the day sleeping it off and was OK by Wednesday.

On Wednesday, I got an email from occupational health saying that I wasn't cleared to work in a school due to my epilepsy.  This was a bit of a surprise, since I have been working there already for a month.  The Head Teacher did a risk assessment with me on my very first day and everything was fine because I am never alone with children.

Occupational health claimed that my doctor had said that I shouldn't work with kids, but when I spoke to my doctor, he hadn't even been contacted by occupational health.  My local doctor, who I have been with for a month apparently just confirmed that I have epilepsy, nothing else.

Once occupational health realised I had already started doing the job they backtracked and said that they would change their form to ask if people had done a risk assessment at work already.  I don't really understand how that should make any difference whatsoever.  I can clearly do the job without endangering children.  There are measures in place for if I have a seizure at work.  Why does it matter if I have started the job yet?  The Head Teacher had even phoned me to say he was sorry I wouldn't be able to work there any more!

Matt wrote an excellent email to occupational health and after several phone conversations with them, they decided that it was in fact OK for me to keep my job!  The Head Teacher was very pleased and said that Matt's email was brilliant.  He had to wait 6 weeks for occupational health to get back to him, yet one email from Matt and they phoned me within 30 minutes!

I just don't understand what on Earth they were thinking!  I'm still baffled, but am very pleased that I get to keep my job because I like it very much!

So, a very stressful two days.  Things improved after that, including the weather, which had been wet and chilly for a couple of days.  The sun is now blazing down on us.  Matt and I have been going out for lovely walks along the sea front and enjoying being in each others company again.

Matt starts his new job, via e-learning tomorrow.  I'll update you on that next week!

1 comment:

  1. One of my favourite views looking across the golf course to the Isle of Wight !
