Sunday 5 April 2020

Day 14 of Self-isolation

We're two weeks in and we're all still alive, which is excellent news.  I don't mean that it's good that we don't have the virus (which is obviously great news), but I mean that it's good that none of us have killed anyone else yet.  Actually, it's not been too bad.  We're all keeping busy.  Our favourite time of day is dinner time, which we look forward to all day, followed by watching 1 or 2 episodes of the West Wing, which we are all thoroughly enjoying.  Mum can quote every episode pretty much word for word.

We decided not to walk the dog yesterday, since the weather was so warm, we were worried that lots of people would be going out.  Richmond was absolutely heaving with people apparently. Some people are such idiots!  Why can't they just be sensible like most of the rest of the country.  We did pop out for a quick walk with Lola today, because she kept staring at us, waiting to go out and we felt guilty!

Yesterday, Mum and Dad washed and clipped the pooch.  We're doing plenty of reading and cross stitch and crochet.  I was at work on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.  We only had one child in and I taught her to crochet.  You can see what she made over on my Creative Faye blog.  It really cheered me up!

Matt is doing well in Shanghai.  He's been out and about seeing a few people and tying up loose ends in China.  He's doing lots of packing and the flat is starting to look quite bare.  The kitties are doing well and Snowball has recovered from whatever it was he ate that meant a trip to the vets and lots of tests.  He is absolutely fine now.

Hopefully Matt will be flying back home next week, landing on Friday.  Fingers and toes crossed for him getting home safe.  The kitties will be going back to their cattery until they are allowed to fly home.

I'm not in work until next Friday, when i'll be doing a full day of 'easter camp' on bank holiday Friday and Monday with the 3 kids booked in to school.  Also, no more e-lessons in China.  Friday was my last day working at Dulwich Shanghai.  It was sad to say goodbye to my students this week, but their new EAL teacher will be great.  He sat in on all the lessons this week.  My office even threw a surprise leaving party via Skype, which was super sweet of them.  Joy has drawn an amazing picture of me holding Sooty, dressed up for Halloween as a black cat! 

It's not exactly the goodbye I would have wanted if I was still in Shanghai, but it's better than nothing!

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