Sunday 12 April 2020

Happy Easter!

Look at all these photos.  So many reasons to smile and be happy right now.  I know the world has gone to ruin, but there are still so many things to be thankful for.  Matt is home!  He managed to get on a flight at 4am Shanghai time on Friday morning.  He only found out that he would definitely be on the flight 12 hours before flying.  There were 8 people on his flight, so social distancing wasn't a problem!

It's been a very stressful week, not knowing if Matt would be coming home or not, so it's great to have him back.  It sounds like he was on the very last flight for quite some time.  Heathrow was completely empty too, which is a bit eerie!

I was working on Friday and will be working tomorrow too.  There are a few students at school who have key worker parents so school has stayed open for them.  Instead of 7 teachers coming in for 4 students, we of the after school and holiday program have stepped in.  Friday was actually a really lovely day. The kids are very sweet - 3 siblings and one other, and we had fun making paper mache easter eggs and going on an egg hunt.  I wasn't needed in the afternoon, so I managed to get home by 1.30 about 10 minutes after Matt arrived home!

For Matt, this week has been 'half term' in Shanghai, so his lessons online start again tomorrow.  I am in all day tomorrow, but that's it for me for the rest of next week.  I plan on just enjoying the sunshine and enjoying having Matt home.

Here is a random assortment of photos from Matt's travels and the photoshoot I did with Lola in the garden on Thursday!

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Those are gorgeous pictures of Lola. She really is very photogenic!
