Saturday 11 January 2020

Shanghai Museum

Well, life continues to zip along in a way we have become accustomed to, living abroad.  One week finished of our final term.  10 more working weeks to go before I am no longer a Travelling TA. Oh, that's made me feel quite sad, typing that!  How unexpected.

Anyway, it's been a good first week back, despite suffering with some pretty bad jet lag, and despite Snowball being so thrilled to see us that he had to inform us of that fact every night at 3am.  Lessons continue as normal, and my students managed to remember how to speak English over the holidays, which is always a bonus!  The students I teach are usually from families where no one else speaks English, so during any holiday they don't speak any English at all.

On Friday, I went to the Shanghai Museum with the year 4s.  I really like this museum, which is full of Chinese artefacts.  The coin room is always a hit with the students, as is the room with all the Tibetan masks.  This time I went in a room i'd not been in before, which had fabulously painted screen doors.  Unfortunately, I got told off when I tried to take a photo of one!

I also spotted for the first time, this gorgeous little ceramic bird feeder (photo below) which was nearly 600 years old.  I love the idea that someone had it in their garden all that time ago.  It was a nice trip.  Some students loved it, like my tricky boy, who had brought his own notepad with him so he could do some sketches and make notes about things he liked (love this!), and some not so much, like my lovely German girl who was heard saying ' what is interesting about this museum, nothing!' to her friend.  I guess we can't all be museum-lovers like me.

On Saturday, Matt was at school all day to do training to become a level 1 rugby coach.  He was very tired when he got home, but he enjoyed it and is now qualified. I spent the day, popping to the hospital to collect my meds, going to the gym, and doing some cross stitch, while the kitties kept me company.

Today, Matt played football in the morning, and I went to watch for a bit.  Now, we're having a lazy afternoon, watching movies and enjoying the smell of chicken casserole slow cooking. Yum!


  1. I love the ceramic horse and rider piece. I wonder how old that is?

    1. About 600 years from what I remember of that room in general!
