Sunday 5 January 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Happy 2020!  I've got a good feeling about this year.

We had Jackie's New Years eves eve party as usual, and it was lovely to see all the chums.  Matt and I spend a lovely day in London at the Natural History Museum visiting the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition, which is always fabulous.  We met Mum and Dad for dinner and then met Sam, Amy and Amy's parents at the theatre to watch White Christmas, which was brilliant!

We had a quiet-ish new years eve party at Matt's parents this year, which was nice as it meant I got to chat to everyone.  The last week of the holidays whizzed by quickly, as it always does.  It was full of football matches (for Matt) and trips to garden centers and watching TV for me.  We left for Shanghai on Friday and arrived Saturday morning.  We didn't manage to achieve much over the weekend.  We were just trying to get rid of the jetlag, which is almost impossible coming east.  I've been awake since 4am, but that's an hour better than the night before, and on the plane I think i slept for about 45 minutes!  We just spent the weekend having quality time with the kitties, who were very pleased to see us.  Snowball has been following me around and purring at everything, and Sooty is very chatty and playful.  It's so nice to be back with them.

We're back at school now, but only for 2 weeks before we have another two weeks holiday for Chinese New Year! Can't really complain!

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