Saturday 18 January 2020


This weeks photos are not from me, but from Matt's week in Myanmar on a Data conference.  He left Monday evening and got back very early on Saturday morning.  The conference went well, and his small presentation was a success.  He seems to have done quite a lot of socialising in the evenings, and then had a free day on Friday to lounge by the pool and to visit the famous pagoda in the city centre.

My week was much quieter, spent with the kitties mostly.  I went to Becky and Andy's for dinner of Thursday, but the rest of the week was tiring at school, so I didn't do much in the evenings.  It's only been 2 weeks back at school, but for some reason they seem to have been really hard work and everyone was ready for the holidays when they came around!

We don't have many plans for the holidays; just sorting a few things out in the flat, lots of cat cuddles and a couple of days in Taiwan next week. Sounds lovely!

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