Monday 2 December 2019


Last week was really nice!  Here are some lovely wintery/Christmassy photos of the kitties in their Christmas capes and their scarves.  So cute!

Thursday was thanksgiving, so we were out to the Kerry Centre to The Cook restaurant for their annual thanksgiving buffet.  It's the third year we've been there with our lovely  American friends and a group of year 5 teachers. It was such a nice evening spent with lovely people.

This is Matt's final Mo-vember photo with his lovely bushy moustache.  A big, bushy ginger moustache reminds me so much of Grandad - i've been thinking about him all month!

The week started going downhill on Friday, when I spent my day at work feeling some pain around the left side of my torso.  I went to the doctors on Saturday morning before my shift at the school's winter festival, and it turns out I've got Shingles.  You get it from being stressed and tired. Tick and tick. So it shouldn't really come as a surprise.  Anyway, it is very very painful as I now have pox all over my back and chest. It's manageable when i'm sitting watching TV, but at night, I can't lie on any side in a comfy way, so i'm just getting more tired, which is making the pox worse. Vicious circle!  So, I'm signed off work for the whole week because the kids can catch chicken pox from me.  I'm trying to keep myself distracted in the house, so today I had a big clear out of clothes and started filling a suitcase of things to bring back home for good at Christmas.  It's kind of scary thinking about moving back to the UK, but I can't wait.  I am so ready to be home.

Anyway, this is Snowball giving me some extra attention and giving me his 'look of love' yesterday. He's so cute.

These are some beautiful flowers that a friend gave me to say thank you for taking her family photos. They are ready to go on the website now, so i'll post some soon.

Traditional 'walrus' thanksgiving photo...

1 comment:

  1. Glad the kitties are giving you some extra love. You need it right now! That photo of you with thechop sticks is becoming a bit of a traditional pose! Lol
