Sunday 8 December 2019

Christmas Market

It's really been a most unpleasant week.  Shingles rhymes with jingles, but it's neither Christmassy or fun. :-(  In fact, it's been very painful and so i've been feeling pretty miserable all week.  I did leave the house most days, even if it was just to go to the supermarket, or to sit in the coffee shop with my Kindle reading Harry Potter.  Kindle unlimited have a free 3 month trail on at the moment, and i'm making the most of it by reading everything I can find!

I did meet Becky for lunch in Starbucks one day, which was nice.  I've tried to keep myself busy, by sorting out clothes and drawers for when we move back to the UK, and organising my Christmas gifts, but I really did get bored by Friday.

On Friday evening we went to the Paulaner German Brewery's Christmas market, which was lovely.  Last year it was freezing cold and raining, but this year it was chilly and a clear night.  Perfect weather for a mulled wine and a nutella crepe.  We went with Andy and Becky, who are always great company, and we ran into several friends who were also enjoying the Christmas atmosphere.  I was just happy to be out of the house and talking to real people (as opposed to cats).    To be fair to them, the cats have looked after me well and been very loving and cuddly.

Matt had a busy week, having several appointments to get his arm looked at, which he did some nerve damage on ages ago.  He also had a senior school Christmas meal one evening, and was playing in two different football tournaments on Saturday (they won the tournament) and sunday (they came 2nd).  He went to the 12 pubs of Puxi pub crawl on Saturday after the football, and to dinner on Sunday after the football.  So, i've barely seen him all week!

I'm back at work now, which is nice.  My students missed me, which is even nicer.  Things are winding down for Christmas this term, which finishes on Friday with a half day.  Then we're off to Abu Dhabi for the weekend, yay!  I can't wait for some winter sunshine.


  1. Those kitties are so sweet!

    1. I love that I caught them having a cuddle in the photo at the end!
