Sunday 24 November 2019

Christmas Decorations

This is a picture one of my students drew for me this week!

We started off with a very un-christmassy Friday at the Movember Quiz night, which Matt had organised.  I had a lovely team of 6 and we did really well.  If the quiz had just been based on the 7 rounds of quiz questions then we would have won by a long shot.  The trouble was that there were 3 races that we could wager our points on.  We bet very small, only one point on each race, but we ended up coming second overall, losing by 1 and a half points!  If we hadn't bet anything, we would have won!!!  Never mind.  Morally, we took the victory!  It was a fun night anyway, and Matt ended up going out afterwards to celebrate making over 400 pounds for the Movember charity.

Things got very Christmassy from there on  - except the weather, which remained a steady 20 degrees all weekend.  It's now back down to 11. No wonder so many people are sick!

We had the Concordia School Christmas fair on Saturday, which was fun.  Lots of stalls and some hotdogs and nachos thrown in.  We went with the team from Friday's Movember quiz.  It was good fun, but very warm inside the school.  This will be one of the best fairs this year, since our school has changed ours to be a teachers, kids and parents only event, with the students running all of the stalls, and us supervising for 30 minutes in Junior School, and 2 hours if you're in senior school!

Matt and I went to Jamaica blue for a sausage roll and hot chocolate lunch after the fair.  Then Matt headed to Adam's flat to watch West Ham for the evening, and I watched The Holiday - we've working our way through the Christmas movie list, but Matt didn't want to watch that one.  We had already watched Nativity on Wednesday.

Sunday, was the ultimate in lazy-Christmasness!  We started the day with chocolate and peanut butter bagels, with a glass of champagne and orange juice, and spent the day decorating the house in festive cheer, taking photos of the cats in the Christmas outfits (coming to the blog soon) and watching Christmas movies - we watched The Muppets Christmas Carol, Die Hard 1 and the Elf.  We listened to Christmas playlists while Matt made a Guinness roasted beef joint and veg, and Monday evening we're going to have bubble and squeak leftovers.  The perfect, snuggly-cat festive day.

1 comment:

  1. Aah Christmas films. The holidays must nearly be here!
