Sunday 27 October 2019


Tianzifang is a city block in the middle of Puxi in Shanghai that is full of tiny lanes with interesting shops.  We've only been once before, and had a craving to go back this weekend.  I was surprised how much like Tokyo it was - from the pikachu shaped buns to blood bags full of fizzy drinks, to walls of hello kitty cuddlies, and several cat cafes too.  It was fun having a wander around for an hour, before heading to Tacolicious for lunch, via a lovely walk through the french concession.

It's been quite a long week for us, what with the whole school being inspected by CIS.  I am the only one in my department who got observed while I was teaching.  Actually, the lady was lovely and was only in for 10 minutes, and all of my kids were unusually well behaved during that time, so it was all good.  We had a meeting after school on Friday about it and it seemed to go very well, which is good.  Other than that, school was fine. I feel like everyone is starting to get very tired again, now that we've been back for 3 weeks since the holidays.  It really is too soon to be getting tired, but still, our school works us hard, so that's how it goes.

My year 4s had a fabulous time digging on Wednesday.  That's the digs done for 2019 - next week we'll wash and draw the finds.  Luckily no knives were found this week!

On Saturday evening we went to a pub called 'The Shed' to watch England Vs New Zealand in the Rugby World Cup semi final, and amazingly England won 19-7.  We were watching with way more NZ fans than English ones, but we made sure to make enough noise when we won!

Today, Matt is out playing football with his England group and i'm having a pottering day - tidying up, doing some washing, brushing the cats, that sort of thing.  

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