Sunday 20 October 2019

Archaeology Club

An interesting week in Archaeology club!  It was year 3s turn to excavate our little hole in the gardens of the school.  They had a brilliant time, as they always do.  In the closing minutes of the dig, a boy ran up to me shouting 'Look what I found!' You guessed it, it was the blade you can see in the photo above!  At first, I though a child had made it, but it's far more likely that a gardener or maintenance worker made it.  It had clearly been in the ground for a long time as it was very rusty and not at all sharp anymore.  I took a photo of it and put it in the hazardous materials bin in the science lab.  We will definitely study the photo during our 'cleaning our finds' week, but there is no way I was having a homemade knife in my drawer for two weeks until then!  A photo will have to do!  So, that was pretty exciting.

Otherwise, it was a fairly quiet week again.  Matt and I went out for dinner on Thursday to The Blue Frog, just over the road from our building.  On the way home we discovered that there is a Coco Ichibanyi branch in the life hub.  This was the amazing Japanese curry, chain restaurant we discovered in Hiroshima. So excited to go eat there.  We definitely won't be wasting our time at The Blue Frog anymore!!!

Matt had a football tournament all day on Saturday.  They made it to the semi finals before they lost, which was a shame.  He went out to watch England's rugby match afterwards.  He also played a football match on Sunday for the England veterans in the morning, so he was absolutely exhausted this weekend.  We managed to go to Lean for a bagel on Sunday afternoon, but that was about it - Matt was just too tired!

I had a much quieter weekend, full of editing photos, going to the gym, cat cuddles and crocheting together my persian tiles quilt.  Nice and relaxing.  The family loved their photos, and i'll be putting some on the website soon, so make sure you have a look in a few days time at

In the meantime, here are Snowball and Sooty enjoying some box time...

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