Sunday 13 October 2019

A Quiet Weekend

How have we finished the first week back after the holidays already.  Last week just flew by!  It was fairly quiet, since 3 members of the office were out on the year 5 residential.  It didn't affect my lessons, so I had a fairly quiet week.  

Matt was a busy as he usually is at work, but did find time to go for a curry with 'his lads' as he calls them, on Thursday evening.  We have kept in contact all week with Margaret and Tony, seeing what they are up to in Japan.  It's been nice being in the same time zone as them and being able to text back and forth instantly.  They made it home safe and sound today and managed to avoid the typhoon that hit Japan this week.

On Friday after school, Matt went to the local doctors to have some of his head 'bobbles' removed.  They are just fatty build-ups that grow on his head - no issues with them other than that they are annoying.  The doctor chose one to remove - a smaller one to start with - well it turned out to be quite large under the skin, and Matt ended up having an hour long surgery under local anesthetic, and having more than 20 stitches in his head!  They had to shave a bit of his head too, so our Saturday Disney plans went out the window.  Never mind - we may go in February instead when everyone else in China is back at work and we get two weeks off.

So on Saturday instead we had a much needed lie-in and then headed to the L.C.M Mall a few metro stops away to Mr Pancake, a delicious brunch-syle diner.  The grape paintings in the photo above were on the floor of the mall.  We actually didn't do much for the rest of Saturday, as we were so tired from Japan still - it was probably good that we didn't go to Disney in the end.

On Sunday, Matt was out early at Andy and Becky's to watch a baseball match on TV.  He cooked quesadillas with chili in them for us all - yum!  I had a family photo shoot on Sunday afternoon - i'll post some photos of it next weekend once I've had a chance to edit them.  They were a very cute family of 4, with lovely, bubbly fun children.  I work with the Mum at school, so it was a nice chilled afternoon in the park for us.

Sunday evening we just sat in front of the TV, enjoying cat cuddles and watching Japan beat Scotland in what was quite a spectacular rugby match.  Definitely a well needed restful weekend.

Oh, and Andy and Becky bought us some halloween candy back from America, where they went for 3 days on a course last week.  You can only buy this in America, and I haven't had it since I went trick or treating in New York when I was 11!  Turns out I still love candy corn.  Matt had never tried them before, but liked them too (unfortunately for me).  They are just pure sugar though, so one or two is enough in one sitting!

1 comment:

  1. I remember the bucket full of sweets you got in America when you went trick or treating! Hope matts ok, send him a hug from us. Xx
