Saturday 17 August 2019

Week 1 of School

I don't particularly like the first week of school (even if in this case the students were only in for 3 days).  Our lessons can't start properly until the teachers work out what they are doing, so we end up just flitting around classrooms, trying to meet our students.  Then, you get the kids who can't speak a word of English and that's always quite tough, at least in the beginning. They learn very quickly, but for a couple of weeks at least they just look like rabbits caught in headlights.  That was what this week was like at school.  So, busy, but also really boring.

We've been having early nights, and keeping to ourselves really this week, just to make sure I don't have another wobble like last week. Things seem to be fine on that front, so far.

Friday night was the welcome BBQ at school, which was nice. We had a good catch up with our friends.  On Saturday, we had a quiet day, then Adam came over for a curry in the evening and the boys watched some football on TV, while I went for a Godiva ice cream with Becky at the Life Hub over the road.

Today, Matt is playing cricket with the kids team, to make up the numbers so that they had enough to play.  I'm having a general tidy-up, bits and bobs, play with the cats kind of day.

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