Monday 26 August 2019


It's been a bit of a hard work week, last week, finishing with me getting a cold over the weekend, and then waking up absolutely fine on Monday morning. Typical.  Matt had an evening out on Friday after work.  I had a Junior School social at Pistoleras, but I only stayed for one drink, as I was already starting to feel unwell by that point.  We did manage to get out for lunch on Saturday, with Andy and Becky to a burger place nearby.  There is a huge shopping mall a couple of stops on the metro from us that we hadn't been to before.  It's really nice, and is definitely worth exploring more in the future.  There are loads of restaurants there.  We were meant to go to an engagement party in Puxi in the evening, but I was just feeling too unwell.  

On Sunday, we managed to get to the cinema next door to where we live to watch the new Fast and the Furious movie with the Rock in it.  We will watch anything starring the Rock - doesn't matter how rubbish it looks.  This one was just a mindless action movie, but was fun.

During the week we had the Roadshow, where the heads of out school group come to brag about how wonderful we are.  This year, it wasn't quite as braggy as normal. In fact, we got called an 'average international school', which was mildly insulting.  A bit of a different tone from the previous years.  It went on until 5.30, so everyone was pretty tired after.

This week is set to be a busy one too.  Everyone else in the office is sick now too (definitely my fault), so we are working hard to support each other.  We have several late nights after school for various meetings, including this evening, which is the CCA (after school clubs) fair. I have to have an Archaeology club stall, which is always popular.

The cats make life better in so many ways. They are little rays of sunshine, and always make us smile with their funny antics and cute meows to say good morning to us.  We have had them for nearly 2 years now, and we just found out that it's going to cost 4000 pounds to get them back to the UK in April.  Still, they are worth every penny!

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