Monday 12 August 2019

Birthday Time!

Last week we were back to work!  Well, Matt was back the week before than for a couple of days, but everyone started again in full on Monday 5th August.  It was a busy week, with lots of sorting out in the office.  Everything gets completely packed up at the end of each year, so they can repaint the rooms, or sort the floors out, or do various maintenance work.  Nothing happened in our office, but we still had to pack and unpack.  We have moved our desks around, so that we now sit facing each other.  I face Ellie, which is nice, but it also means that I have my back to the door, so I have no idea who is walking in.

I had a bit of an incident medical-wise on Friday morning. Not a seizure, but something definitely happened, so Matt took me home almost as soon as I got into work.  I just slept for most of Friday, but by Saturday I was fine.  We had a quiet day on Saturday, relaxing and watching 'The Wire', an excellent series that we are watching for the second time.  It was just nice being home with the cats really.

Sunday was my 31st Birthday! Yay!  I opened my cards in the morning and my presents - Matt got me some gorgeous earrings, and Becky and Andy got me various cat themed stationary bits and bobs and a candle.  Then a Jaguar (posh!) came to pick us up to take us to the Westin brunch.  The brunch was the quietest I have ever seen it.  There was a hurricane on Friday night and Saturday. Lots of people near the coast were evacuated.  Someone I get my business cards from sent me a photo of his window with an octopus stuck to it!!!  I guess he lives near the sea!  We just had strong winds and lots of rain here, though it didn't really affect us too much at all.  A few branches came off trees in our compound, but it didn't stop us from wandering out on Saturday to Lean for a bagel.  

Anyway, it meant that the Westin brunch was very quiet indeed.  Only about 50 people in total.  They hadn't even opened the second floor of food, because there were so few people.  We had a great table on the main floor, with a good view of the acrobatics and dancers.  The food was delicious as always, and so was the champagne.  Matt had his usual pink grapefruit gin.  It was nice just going the two of us, as we're normally in a group.

We had a chilled out evening, watching National Treasure 2, so quite a quiet birthday really, but in a good way. Nice and relaxing.  School starts properly from Wednesday, so we're in for a busy week!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better! And that you enjoyed the westin brunch.
