Saturday 20 October 2018

Paulaner Brewery

It's been another busy week, as per usual.  School just seems to have stepped up a notch since before half term, and we have just got the exams timetables, which seem to start really soon already in order to get everything done by Christmas! Crazy really considering it's still only October.

Not a huge amount to report this week really.  Matt's been playing football this week in various competitions, and i've just completed week 7 of couch to 5k (yay!).  We're trying to get on track with healthy eating and exercise since my steroids have been upped again, and it's going pretty well so far.

Here are a couple of photos from our trip to the German brewery/restaurant last Sunday for Vicky's birthday.

Today, I met my friend and baby Luca for coffee, and Matt joined us for a cuddle at the end.  He's such a cute wee thing.  Just a relaxing weekend really.

1 comment:

  1. That must have been hard going German and staying dry!
