Saturday 13 October 2018

Baby Luca and Tequila Club

Here are a couple from the end of last half term that I didn't get a chance to post because we went on holiday.  I spent Thursday and Friday after work at Tequila Club!  I now have to be completely alcohol free until May due to my medication, so this was my last hurrah!

The day before we went on holiday, I met up with my work pal and her new baby boy Luca.  He is just gorgeous, and slept the entire time we were out.  He is super cute and Mum and baby are both looking relaxed and healthy.

This week has been very long, returning to school after a glorious week in Cambodia.  Year 6 were out on their residential, so I didn't teach them all week, and they are my favourite class, so I missed them first thing every day.  It meant that I just had year 4 all week, and they can be quite hard work.

Archaeology club had it's first dig of the year, with 5 very excited children, who loved every second of it. Next dig is on Tuesday, with the other 7, and is a real highlight of the week.  The kids just love it so much!

I had an MRI on Monday to see how things are getting on in my brain.  Results were on Thursday, and there is no change, which is good news. It means that the drugs i'm on are stabilizing everything, which is good.  Next MRI in May.

This weekend, Matt was playing in a 7-a-side football tournament all day on Saturday. I had a day at home making cards, and pottering around, which was just what I needed after such a busy week.  Today, Matt is at his friends watching a baseball game, and later we are going to a German pub for lunch for our friend's (middle one below) birthday.  I can't wait for some schnitzel!  Just like old times... or hopefully it will be - who knows what the Chinese version of schnitzel will be like!

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