Sunday 28 October 2018

ComiCon and Sports Day

This weekend we went to Shanghai ComiCon!  A comic convention, dedicated to all things comic book, especially Marvel and DC comics.  None of us had been before, so didn't quite know what to expect.  The girls dressed up as unicorns (as you do), and they boys were very boring and didn't dress up at all.  There were quite a few people in costumes, and straight away people were asking to take photos of us.

We had gone for breakfast before to Al's Diner, which was delicious American food.

ComiCon was fun, but it wasn't really what I expected.  There were no comics for sale for starters! Mostly it was signed merchandise and models on sale for thousands of pounds.  There were costume competitions, and I think in America it is a bigger deal,with press releases of trailers and movie stars doing interviews.  The Shanghai one was quite small, but we enjoyed ourselves!

In the evening we went to a friends house party, but neither of us can drink at the moment, so we stayed a few hours and then left as everyone else was reaching that 'silly drunk' stage.

This morning,  Matt went over to Andy's to watch the World Series baseball.  They take it in turns to make breakfast, and this weekend, Becky made them baked eggs, with veg and cheese.  Sounds delicious!  I am invited, but i'm just not too fussed about spending 4 hours watching a game I know nothing about. I'd watch it live, but i'm not dedicated enough to watch it on TV!

We also had sports day in Junior school this week.  I hate sports day with a fiery passion!  Last year I got yelled at by some parents and I still haven't recovered.  This year, I didn't get yelled at, but I did get a bit sun burnt, as you can see from the photo above; I match my house shirt!  To be honest, the kids really enjoyed the half day (year 3/4 in the morning and year 5/6 in the afternoon - but because I'm a specialist, I worked both), and it's nice to see our EAL kids in a different environment, often doing very well.  However, it is absolutely exhausting, and we only got a 6 inch subway and a 20 minute break from 8am - 4.30pm! A long day!  My whole body ached for 5 days because of being on my feet for so long.  Let's just say that i'm glad it's done for another year!


  1. I'm incensed that parents yelled at you! How dare they!

    1. It was a long time ago, and they have yelled at other teachers too. They are just nasty people!
