Wednesday 4 April 2018

Cats and Brunch

It's been ages since i've posted anything - life has become very busy indeed!
During the second to last week before the Easter holidays (which I am currently on now), my club JS PAW, which is the Junior School Protection of Animal Welfare club has a trip to a Shelter.  The kids had collected lots of donations for the shelter, including blankets, leads, dog beds, etc, and we chose 6 kids to take it to the shelter on Friday after school.  It was a long day, not getting back to school until 7.30pm, but the shelter was great.  The kids had a great time playing with the dogs, some of which were huge and very fluffy!

It was also a good week for cat photos! As you can see...

This is Anna's Shelter...

On the Saturday, Matt and I went for brunch at Funkadeli's, followed by a random walk around the French Concession area of Shanghai.  It was lovely.

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