Saturday 14 October 2017

Archaeology and Cats

The first week back after half term both whizzed by and took a lifetime to pass! Matt has been very busy indeed with training to become a CIS accreditation person (friday and saturday training).  There are important people from all of the schools visiting for the course, so he was out on Friday night for dinner with them.  I had been getting steadily more ill as the week went on, and on Friday I felt really quite unwell.  I suppose it's the right time of year to be getting a stinking cold.  Luckily, my timetable is quite light on a Friday, and was even lighter because the year 5s were out on their residential this week.  My little year 4 group, finally finished writing their playscript for the D'Oscars - our school's version of the Oscars.  Each class make lots of videos about a certain topic, and then one gets put forward from each class to compete for a trophy.  There is a huge awards ceremony in April, and the whole thing is pretty ridiculous, as it totally takes over from everything.  I think my little group's play will be quite good.  I'm very proud of them, even if we don't get nominated.  

In Archaeology club this week, I decided to attempt paper mache.  It was stressful.  22, 7 and 8 year olds yelling at each other and covered in glue.  Not much fun.  The Greek pot shells at least look quite good, and are ready for painting next week.  Next week and the week after, half of the group at a time, will be taking part in an archaeological excavation.  On Friday, the gardeners dug a nice hole for me, and I spent a happy half hour, filling it up with coins, jewellery, pottery, statues and game peices for the kids to dig up.  There is even some actual pot sherds in the soil, which I left in.  It's possible that I am more excited than the kids about this dig! They are going to love it.  Fingers crossed for dry weather!

This weekend, I have barely emerged from the flat, because i'm feeling so rotten.  Matt has been out at training/drinks/playing for a football team today) he had offers to join 2 different teams!  He did make me banana and peanut butter pancakes before he left this morning.  But do you know what the perfect cure to a cold is?  A cat cuddle.  These little bundles of fluffiness are so cute and cuddly and cheeky and naughty. They make laugh every day and they seem to know just what to do this weekend - pretend to be a hot water bottle.  I currently have Sooty snoozing on my lap, purring so loudly!  Snowball is snoozing in the document basket on the table (a favourite sleep spot).  I have taken to sending my cat-mad friend a sleep spot photo every day.  She is very jealous - her cat isn't cuddly at all.

So here are some photos of Sooty and Snowball, aka Gorgeous Boy and The Little One...

1 comment:

  1. Is matts new nick name gorgeous boy or is that the cat? Very cute photos!
