Sunday 1 October 2017

All Of The Posh Food

Where to even begin with this week...

Granny arrived on Wednesday morning, and Matt was able to pick her up from the airport.  She had a couple of days at home recovering from her first class BA journey jet lag, while Matt and I finished our first half term at school.  I can't quite believe we are at half term already!

The first night she arrived, we went for Korean BBQ.  I think this will probably be our go to first night place whenever we have visitors.  Mary has said that she would like to eat there again before she goes home, so it was a success!

On Thursday night we went to the local Shanghai Beer Factory for ribs and beer.  Our friend and his parents joined us for drinks, as it was their last night.

On Friday night we went to the fabulous Canton 8, a 2 Michelin star Cantonese restaurant.  We went for the 'taster' menu, which was a small sample of 8 things on the menu.  They were delicious!  Although I was the only one who liked the jellyfish.  I did think that Matt was going to bring it back up at one point.  Admittedly, it did have a funny texture, a bit like chewing a tyre.

Before we had dinner, we went to a gorgeously decorated rooftop bar called Lost Heaven, where we had a couple of bellinis to warm us up for the dinner.

Saturday was a bit of a disaster for Matt.  He lost his wallet on Friday night, and had to cancel all of his cards, so went to the bank on Saturday morning to get a new one before the banks are closed for most of the week due to the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.  There was a problem with their systems, so he was there for hours!  He even went across the city to pick up our train tickets for Beijing (in itself a task that took several hours), and came back to the bank to wait a bit longer for his card.  He eventually got it though, so all is well.

Meanwhile, Mary and I had enormous fun at the fake market.  I normally let Matt do the haggling at stalls because I feel a bit embarrassed and think that he will do it better, but it turns out that I am an excellent haggler, and Mary is too!  Someone would say 100 yuan, and Mary would go straight in with 10 yuan!  We got some great deals, and had a really fun time buying souvenirs for the family.  Mary doesn't like shopping, and was convinced she wouldn't enjoy it, but she really did.  I did some really serious haggling for a fabulous coat/jumper/shawl thingy.  It's my new favourite item of clothing.  It's so soft, I don't ever want to take it off.

We had a pastry for lunch, then headed over to the skyscraper district, where it was absolutely tipping it down with rain! Luckily, there was a chap waiting outside the station selling umbrellas.  I bet he made a mint that day!  We had a wander around the shops and restaurants in the World Financial Tower, not wanting to go to the observation deck without Matt, and because the cloud was very low, so we had a Starbucks ice tea and had a good catch up.  Matt joined us later, and we went over to the Jinmao Tower skyscraper, which is next door.  I was desperate to see its 36 story atrium, but it seemed impossible to find.  On our roaming around the hotel, we came across a bar on the 87th floor, which was just fabulous.  You could pay 150 yuan to go to the 88th floor observation deck, or pay 150 yuan to go to the bar, one floor lower, and get 150 yuan worth of drinks.  Guess which we went for!  So we had a few glasses of prosecco and waited for the city to emerge from the clouds.  When it did, it was spectacular.

For dinner on Saturday night we just got a pizza from New York Pizza and had an evening in.  Matt stayed up to watch West Ham win, and Mary and I had early nights.

Today, we went to the Westin brunch, the most famous brunch in a city that LOVES brunches.  It certainly lived up to expectations.  The room was decorated beautifully, and there was food everywhere.  You had to go up an escalator to get to the 'Italian buffet floor' because there wasn't enough room on the ground floor.  There was anything you could ever want - pastries, eggs, cake, sweets, chocolates, crab, lobster, seafood, meat, curry, fish, pizza, and a whole array of things i didn't know.

I had a round of eggs and salmon - poached, cured and smoked.  Then a curry plate, with delicious aloo gobi, chicken tikka, and every other curry you could think of.  Then I had an Italian plate with lemon sole and roasted potatos, with some cold prawns and olives.  All the while we were having free flow Veuve Clicquot champagne.  The waiters were a bit too attentive if anything.  You took one sip and they refilled your glass.  I also had a mojito, and a cider. Matt had a beer, and a bloody mary.  We had a rest, then went for a dessert plate.  I had some banana bread pudding, which was the best thing of the day, with hand made chocolate, marshmallows, chocolate pudding, brownie.  Yum.  I now look like a whale.  There were 20 other teachers at the brunch too, 10 in a group and the rest there in couples or with family, so Mary got to meet lots of our friends, which was nice.

The entertainment was fantastic.  We were left to eat for the first hour or so, then the orchestra came on to play some fabulous classical music, then there were opera singers, then dancers in Dutch costumes doing traditional dances, a latin dance couple doing salsa and samba, two electric violin players who were dancing at the same time as playing (seriously impressive), a guy doing a diablo, with a dragon attached to it, so it swirled around him, and two fantastic acrobats.

We were all in food comas by the end of the brunch, so we headed back home for a sleep.  This evening we have just read books and relaxed. We are about to do some packing for Beijing tomorrow.  I can't wait! 

(the Dutch flag is because the theme this week was Holland)

1 comment:

  1. All that food looks delicious , but you must look like Michelin men! I'm glad you are having a great time and granny looks like she is enjoying herself!
