Sunday 20 November 2016

Christmas Markets

This week the Christmas markets started!  I really love the markets, they are so magical, and have a jolly and festive atmosphere.  We went on Friday after work with a group of friends, and had a lovely time trying the different Gluvine and eating salmon in a bun (which I dream about all year round!).

Before we went to the markets (and ended up having a very late night there), we had our international fair at school.  The last 2 years we have had a winter fair on a Saturday, where the teachers set up, take down and run the stalls.  This year, the 'Friends and Families of St Georges' run by the class parent representatives, organised the whole thing.  The stalls were all food from different countries, and it was really busy and a huge success.  I didn't really get to see much of it, because I was covering in nursery all week, and their kids don't get picked up until 4.30.  It was a bit of a rubbish week really.  There were international themed activities and parties going on all week and I missed out on most of it because of being on cover.  I did get to go to the year 4 party though which was fun.  So much delicious food from around the world!

I was glad the week was over anyway.  I went into Duisburg to the shops on Saturday to buy a few Christmas presents.  Matt stayed in and had a couple of friends over to watch the football.

Today I've been doing some of the Phonics online course that im doing for work, and playing with the settings on my camera to get to know indoor photography a bit better for the wedding im photographing in December.  We've been catching up on the new Grand Tour (Top Gear) and the wonderful Planet Earth II narrated by the fabulous David Attenborough.  

Today I haven't felt very well again - possibly coming down with another cold already.  I've also had such a stiff and swollen neck that I can't really move much.  Not much fun.  I'm going on a trip to Holland tomorrow to the aircraft museum, so hopefully i'll feel better by then!

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