Sunday 13 November 2016

An Ill Week

I don't know how people can say things like 'It's just a cold' or 'I'll power through at work'.  Maybe I just don't get sick by halves, but this weeks 'cold' was a particularly nasty one.  I was off work from Wednesday, and am just starting to feel better today.  I was too sick to do anything but sleep and watch  Gossip Girl, not even being able to crochet for the first couple of days!  In the end I ended up crocheting some really easy patterns, just to keep me distracted.  So, a pretty rubbish week for me.

On Monday and Tuesday I had been making a huge cardboard boat for the year 5s assembly on Friday.  I cut it out and drew the design and had 8 kids helping me paint the two halves on Tuesday afternoon, which was lovely.  We had some music on and we were just chatting about the election, and school.  I  love seeing the kids in that sort of environment, when they relax and chat to you like they do their friends.  I look forward to finding out how the assembly went when i'm back in, but i'm disappointed that I missed it - I know how hard the whole year group worked on it.

On Monday I took my usual year 2 library class for an actual lesson, which I don't normally do.  They drew some pictures of me that are really funny.

The top ones are of me with a rainbow, and me teaching in an outside classroom.
The bottom ones are of me swimming, and me with a giant dog and some butterflies.  Very cute.  They know how to win me over - I usually don't like this class at all!

Matt has had a very busy week after getting back from his training in Warsaw at midnight on Sunday.  He tutored on Monday and Tuesday evenings, went to football training at a team he has joined on Wednesday evening, Thursday was parents evening, and Friday was football at school.  Very busy indeed!  I think he was quite glad to have a quiet weekend!

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