Sunday 30 October 2016

Visitors From Newcastle

On Wednesday our friends arrived from Newcastle for the weekend.  Andy worked here for just one year the same year that we first moved to Germany, and we have kept in touch since.  They were very easy going visitors and did their own thing during the day.  We went for dinner on Thursday evening at Schanke, as Andy is one of the original founding members of the boys pub night known as 'Schanke Thursday'.  Girls were invited this time, which was nice!

On Friday evening we went to watch a football match at Monchengladbach's ground Borusia Park.  It was against Frankfurt, and was a seriously boring match.  Nothing happened AT ALL! It took us more than 2 hours to get there because it was a tram, train, then a bus to the ground which got stuck in traffic.  We ended up walking the last half mile in the rain to get to the ground on time, but still missed the first 10 minutes of the match - not that we missed much!  The away fans were more interesting to watch than the football, with their chants, flags and synchronized jumping.  We had a bunch of English lads in front of us who were fairly entertaining, in a horrendously chav-tastic way.  They were on a stag weekend, and had taken the stags football ticket, hat, watch and phone.  He did manage to talk his way into the ground after about 30 minutes of football, as wasn't best pleased.  He had some trouble persuading the stewards to let him in because there was a random drunk man sitting in his seat.  This man had to be forceably removed by 3 stewards.  That was quite entertaining too, but the football was rubbish!  It was an 8.30pm kick off, so we didn't make it home until 1am!

On Saturday, the boys lazed about, while I taught Lucy how to crochet - very successfully!
Then we went for ice cream, followed by cocktails.  We then met some friends in a local brewery called Websters for delicious schnitzels and beer cocktails.  A nice evening with good company.

The week at school was quite busy.  I had my buddy trip to the shops to buy some toys for the playground and classrooms on Thursday.  They were very well behaved and loved that Matt drove our mini bus, as he was having a joke with them.  We managed to get lots of toys and the kids enjoyed themselves.  The buddy badges even arrived that morning, thank goodness.  The buddies have been pestering me for 8 weeks about them!
On Friday, I barely had any lessons because year 3 and 4 were both on trips, so I got to work on some props for the Halloween disco on Monday. I made a coffin photo booth from a gigantic box, that is going to double up as a hiding place in the morning for some of the kids to jump out at unsuspecting people from! Haha, it's going to be great!  We also have a disco on Monday evening, which isn't too bad because i'm on photo taking duty, which I quite like.  We've got Tuesday off for a bank holiday too, so can't complain at all!


  1. Good gracious what are you drinking? I think I also recognise the ice cream parlour up the road from your flat!
