Sunday 9 October 2016

A DIY Weekend

It was nice only having 4 days of work this week due to the bank holiday on Monday, however by the time you get to Friday the day off seems like a really long time ago!  Moral this week seems to be going up slightly at work, which is good.  We're all trying to focus on chatting about things other than work, which helps.  Matt has taken on another child to tutor, so the holiday funds are going steadily up - a holiday to look forward to is very important!  I've been telling people about our tutoring money pig/ holiday fund, and about 4 people at work have started doing the same thing too now.  I wasn't going to be tutoring this week because my day is normally Monday and we were off, but I got an email at 12.30 on Friday asking if I would go that evening.  I didn't really want to on a Friday evening, but i'm glad I did.  The parents were grateful and I got some money for the pig, so I can't really complain.  I didn't even miss out on the pub because they were still there after i'd finished!

On Thursday we had out first book club, which went well.  We've been reading World War Z, which is a zombie apocalypse book.  I thought I would hate it but I actually really enjoyed it.  We went for dinner and drinks to discuss it, which was nice.

On Saturday, we mooched about during the day, and went to a friends house warming party in the evening in Dusseldorf.  We didn't end up getting back until 3.30am!  And then Matt got up to watch the Formula 1 at 7!  He is off tutoring now, and i've been doing some DIY.  I made the above/below lamp and attached our bells/lights onto our bikes. It's getting very dark in the mornings now, and both our front bike lights broke at the same time!  

I'm so glad we only have one more week until half term!  We could really do with the rest, and I can't wait for our Dublin/Gallway trip at the end of half term.

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