Sunday 18 September 2016

Ski Trip Booked

It's been a strange week all round really.  Lots of teachers still aren't happy with the classes they have been given and the jumps around in age groups, so Friday after work we went to the local pub and had a bit of a whinge session!  It really seems like everyone needed it.

I myself have had an OK week.  I'm still off timetable, which will hopefully change tomorrow, and i've been concentrating on doing displays.  I spent the entire week receiving buddy application letters.  Last year the buddies were just year 6s, but this year I've opened it up to year 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the hopes that if a year 3 needs to find a friend, they might be more comfortable speaking to a fellow year 3 rather than a big scary year 6.  Anyway, I chose 12 buddies in the end, 3 from each year group.  They were all thrilled, and came up to me after saying thank you and how they wouldn't let me down.  Very cute!

Another positive this week is that we've booked to go skiing in the February half term with 10 friends from work.  We've booked a house in Winterburg, which is near where I go on the year 5 ski trip.  It's a really good bunch of people and i'm looking forward to it already.

Yesterday Matt and I went to the harbour for the 4th weekend in a row!  This time we met up with another couple and had dinner and cocktails with them, which was lovely.  The weather has finally cooled off, and the rain has started.  It was quite nice sitting under the canopy in the bar with the heaters on us.  Very cosy!

Tomorrow hopefully brings with it my new timetable at work.  I've been itching to get back into the classroom.  I also start tutoring a year 3 boy tomorrow after school.  Matt is tutoring too and we are saving all of the tutoring money for a holiday.  It will add up very quickly!

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