Sunday 11 September 2016

Cocktails at the Harbour

This seems to have become our Saturday evening routine as the nice weather continues in Germany.  We had another enjoyable evening drinking Mojitos in the sunshine.  It's a nice way to get us out of the flat and into the sunshine at the weekend, when it is so tempting to just stay in and watch TV after a hard week at work.

My week has been very busy but also quite boring.  I still don't have a timetable, so i'm just ploughing through admin work and getting started on displays for teachers and for the general corridors.  I do like doing displays, but i'd quite like to be in the classes chatting to the kids too.  I probably won't have my timetable next week either, so more displays for me!

I introduced the buddy scheme back to school this week.  Last year I enjoyed being in charge of the playground buddies who were all in year 6.  This year I wanted buddies from years 3-6, and there was quite a buzz when I announced it, so hopefully i'll get lots of application letters next week.

I had to go into Nursery one day this week because the new TA hasn't started yet.  It's such hard work at the beginning of the year, because they are all new to the school and just scream for their mummies all day!  Exhausting!

We went to the pub around the corner from work after school on Friday, and are trying to organise a group skiing trip for February half term.  Other than that, it's not been a particularly exciting week.  Just getting back into the swing of things.  Only 5 weeks until half term!

1 comment:

  1. Five weeks until you're on holiday again.......nice!
