Sunday 4 September 2016

Living in a Cupboard for the Week

A strange title to a blog post you may think, but it is certainly true of what I have been doing this week at work.  Colleagues joke that if they can't find me around the school, they go and look in one of 4 cupboards that I am generally to be found in!  This week, on Monday and Tuesday, I was rushing between cupboards trying to sort out all of the new stationary and resources that arrived all in one go.  Once packed away, each teacher then had to be distributed a selection of stationary and 200 assorted exercise books.  It was hard work, and I got very dirty from all of the filthy boxes being carted around.  Wednesday was the busiest day; the school open afternoon, where parents and students can come in and meet new teachers and have a look around the school.  The school had to be spotless, so there was lots of last minute tidying, and making sure all of the displays in classrooms were looking neat and tidy.  I was then 'front of house' for Primary with two others, helping people find new classrooms, and greeting people.  I ended up doing a private tour for a new family starting at the school in January.  The family were lovely, and the parent rep who came around with us was so impressed with me that she told the head of Primary, which was nice.  We had staff drinks in the canteen after work on Wednesday, but I was so exhausted I didn't stay long.

Matt had a very busy couple of days too sorting out lots of things for the start of term.  We've been coming home after work and having to have a nap!

The children were back in on Thursday, and it was really nice to see them all again. I'm off timetable for a good two weeks, so I was able to just get on with things, at a much nicer pace than at the beginning of the week.  Still busy, just a bit slower.

Matt went out on Friday night with the lads who play football.  They went to Enzos which is the pub around the corner from school.  He didn't get home until midnight, so presumably had a good time!

We decided to pop into Duisburg on Saturday for a mooch around the shops.  I bought some more wool for a few projects i'm currently working on, and then we went to the harbor for a couple of cocktails and fajitas.  It was a lovely warm evening, so we made the most of sitting outside. Completely different to today, which is torrential rain!  At least it's cooling the flat down a bit.

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