Friday 5 August 2016

Wedding Photos

The day finally arrived for me to tick something off of my bucket list: Be a wedding photographer for a day. Tick!

Surprisingly, I didn't feel nervous at all on the day.  I knew what I was doing, and everyone was really friendly, so I wasn't worried at all.  I took charge and people listened to me.  I got lots of compliments on how well I was doing, and I got a cheer after taking about 30 seconds to do the big group shot, because I was so quick!  I was also mentioned in my friend's speech, which was lovely.

So, here are a few of my favorites.  There were so many to choose from!

The couple had relaxed a lot since the practice photo session, so i'm really glad we did that now, even though it was pouring with rain.  It made the day's constant drizzle seem not too bad.  They kept saying as we went around how glad they were that they had asked me, because they felt really comfortable, which was nice to hear.

... and a couple, so you can see what Matt and I looked like.

There are two posts this week, so make sure you scroll down to have a look at the photos from Warsaw.