Wednesday 17 August 2016


I sound like a broken record saying this, but 'it's been a really busy week!'
We came back to England last Saturday, and things have been non-stop since then.  We went to London city to go up the Shard as part of Matt's birthday surprise, last week, which was fun.  It's so high up, and you get an amazing view of London, but it was really expensive for what you get.  In the evening we met up with Matt's friends and brother for his proper birthday surprise, which was to do an Escape Rooms game.  We went into a room done up like a prison cell, and locked into handcuffs, all chained together, then locked into the cell, and then the room.  You get one hour to find keys and codes and unlock various padlocks that finally lead you to the final door key.  We managed to get out in 58 minutes and 11 seconds, with 11 clues (an average score apparently!).  We did spend 42 of those minutes handcuffed, because we didn't look properly for the handcuff keys!  It was really fun, and I would definitely recommend it.  Something different to do for a night out.  We finished the night with a Nandos and some beers.

The day after, our friend who we met in Germany, who now lives in Newcastle, came to stay at Matt's parents for a couple of days.  He had never been to London before, so we enjoyed doing a few touristy bits, including the Tower of London.  We spent a good 5 hours there, and it was a really fun day.  The Beefeaters do a free tour, which is fantastic.  They really know their stuff and are funny and engaging.  Worth the money to get in just for them.

 We also went to the first West Ham match of the season, a friendly against Juventus, at the brand new Olympic stadium.  The stadium is fantastic!  They have a wall inside with every season ticket holders name on it from the last season at the Boelyn Ground.  It's not in alphabetical order though, so i'll save trying to find Matt's name for another day!

There was lots going on because it was the opening match, so there were fireworks, and they officially opened the Sir Bobby Moore, and Sir Trevor Brooking stands, which was nice to see, as Trevor Brooking himself was there, and Bobby Moore's grandson was there too.  There was a marching band, and the woman who sings the national anthem at the rugby was there singing too.
It was very hot and we got a bit sunburnt.

I went to London to see my pal Louise on Friday.  We had lunch, and sat in the park with an ice cream, before spontaneously deciding to go into Buckingham Palace.  They had an exhibition there on the Queen's clothes, which was fantastic.  I really enjoyed the 17 state rooms too.  They are beautifully decorated, and the information audioguides were good too.  A lovely day out with my friend.

Matt's parents had a BBQ on Sunday, which Mum and Dad came for.  It was nice to see all of Matt's family, and the weather was wonderful.

Unfortunately, I've been ill for pretty much the entire time I've been home, with a virus that has given me horrible headaches.  They are just starting to go now, and today was the first day that I've felt OK, so hopefully i'll have a few days more with Mum and Dad feeling fine.  I came down to Hampshire on Monday, and Matt followed on Tuesday after football on Monday night.  Since, we have met up with one of Matt's friends from his PGCE, gone on walks to the beach and generally relaxed.  It's been lovely!

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